I was desperately fighting advanced stages of senioritis (meaning I didn't want to do my homework).
I had just come back from my last spring break trip, a service week in New York City.
Most of my friends lived in the same building as me.
My niece couldn't roll over.
I worked during Bible study.
I took a bus everywhere.
I could call my family and friends on a whim.
I was learning a new language.
I had never been outside North America.
I received an invitation to serve in the United Kingdom through Young Adults in Global mission.
My grandma, Dorothy, passed away.
I had no idea what I wanted to do after college.
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Profile photo one year ago: A reunion with my good high school friend, Joey, during an alternative Spring Break trip to NYC. |
It has almost been a year since I graduated from college.
All youth events are back in full swing after a two week Easter break.
Most of my friends live in another country.
My niece can now walk and talk, including animal noises, "no", "football", and "bubble".
I lead Bible studies.
I walk everywhere.
I have to schedule Skype sessions and hope they don't forget.
I am learning new terms, such as carriageway, aubergine, and tenner, and old terms in a new light, such as pants, tea, and quite.
I have lived in England for eight months.
I pray for those who will be receiving their YAGM invitations this week.
My family remembers a woman who nursed us when we were sunburned from the Florida sun and helped us discover that the world was bigger than our own experience.
I have no idea what I want to do after YAGM. (I'm glad somethings haven't changed.)
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Profile photo today: A hike around the Peak District during a week long course at Cliff College in Derbyshire. |
So crazy that you've been away for 8 months! I'm bummed it didn't work out for us to come visit you this year. :( It will be fun to spend time with you upon your return and hear some more stories.