November 7
Every Friday, the UK YAGM have an outstanding date to all meet over Google Hangout to discuss what we've been doing that week, any prayer requests we have, and a Bible verse one of us picks out. It's a time to relax and be ourselves with people who are in the same situation. We can finally be homesick, frustrated, exuberantly happy, and confused. We end our check ups with a small Bible study and a final prayer based on our time together.
Today I am thankful for my fellow YAGM and our weekly talks.
All the 2014 UK YAGM at our course at Cliff College. It is the first time we have seen each other since we left Chicago in August. |
November 8
Today was devoted to making progress on the various projects I have going on right now. Some YAGM related, some family related, and some just for fun. One of these projects is a Doctor Who scarf. The special thing about this scarf is not the fact that it's six feet long or that it's 100% wool which will keep me warm this winter. It's special because my brothers and my mom all have variations of the same scarf. Kiel has a twelve foot long scarf. Nylan has the same but a little bit thinner, and Alec has a short scarf about 3 feet long. My mom just started her scarf yesterday, and now I have finished mine. It's something to keep me connected to my family from 4,000+ miles away.
Today I am thankful for finished projects and long distance connections.
My brothers, Alec, Nylan, and Kiel, sporting their scarves. |
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